Taking The Time To Be Thankful

Posted by on Nov 23, 2015 in Dadhood | No Comments

You probably are already aware that this week is Thanksgiving here in the United States. With that holiday comes a lot of food, a lot of family, a lot of football, and a lot of regret the next day for eating too much.

What does not usually come with that holiday is a lot of gratitude. We seem to have forgotten the reason behind this special day to begin with.

This is a perfect opportunity to teach your kids something about life. With such a natural opening, we can step right in and show our gratitude and thankfulness for the blessings in our lives. Here are a couple suggestions for doing that this week.

Share things you are thankful for

What better opportunity than Thanksgiving than to share those things you are thankful for. As you gather around the table, take the time to have everyone share something that they are grateful for. We do this with our family, and it always is a special time. My kids seem to always have a new perspective on things that my wife and I have missed.

My natural inclination is to begin with my kids and start the sharing there. But I think this is a perfect chance for our kids to see us step out and lead the family. I begin this time of sharing each year at our house. And I would encourage you to do so as well.

And, this is something that you can incorporate a lot more often than just one holiday a year. Building an attitude of gratitude helps defeat the sense of entitlement that is pervasive in our culture.

Share why you are thankful for your kids

This idea is a lot more deliberate and intentional. Dads, I challenge you to take some time with each of your kids, privately or in front of the rest of the family, and express to them just what you are thankful for about them personally. Build up your kids, encourage them, strengthen them. As dads, our words carry a lot of weight. And a lot of families never take the time to express such positive words.

Maybe take your most troublesome kid and begin there. Allow him or her to know and see your love. A solid word of encouragement will do wonders, and they will see that you care for them deeply.

Don’t neglect your wife

She needs to hear your expressions of thankfulness too! Tell here why you are thankful for her as well. And show it by helping out with the cleanup. She will appreciate it. Guaranteed!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Be deliberate, Dad!

Do you have any special Thanksgiving traditions like these? What do you do to express your thankfulness to your family? You can leave your thoughts in the comments by clicking here.