Praise The Lord! Prayers Heard!

Posted by on Oct 24, 2015 in Dadhood | No Comments

Earlier this week, I underwent the Mohs Procedure, in an effort to remove the skin cancer on my ear. Your prayers were felt!

I am excited to share that the cancer was removed completely, and I am on the road to healing! The cancer had rooted itself deeper than initially thought, and a piece of the cartilage in my ear had to be removed. As a result, a bit of restructuring had to take place, to keep my ear looking as normal as possible.

I return to the doctor next week to have the stitches removed, and will be given the all clear until my next dermatologist appointment, which is in four months.

Thanks for the prayers and encouragement! God is good!

Be deliberate, Dad!

Thank you for your prayers. And if you have any thoughts or encouragement, you can leave those in the comments by clicking here.