No Regrets – Time On My Knees

Posted by on Dec 7, 2015 in No Regrets | No Comments

What is the single most important thing you and I can do as dads?


Time on our knees is the most important aspect of parenting, and the most important thing we can do for our kids. And I am reminded of this daily.

A few days ago, my youngest son, who is two, came to me. It was evening, probably after 9:00. He came in to where I was sitting with a book, carrying his blanket and looking very tired. He climbed up onto the chair with me and said one single word. “Pray.”

He was ready for bed, and would have been able to fall asleep right then and there. But he wanted me to pray with him before he went to sleep. His goal was to pray so he could then sleep peacefully.

What an example! How often do I simply pray, and then go to sleep, trusting that God will take care of everything?

But my son did just that. And he came to me for that prayer.

It reminded me that my most important role as a dad is as a pray-er for my kids. If I do not continually, consistently lift them up before God, I am missing a prime opportunity, and failing in a very serious responsibility. God knows my kids, and he knows their needs. But he desires that I bring them to him anyway.

And so, as I sat there in my chair, I prayed for my son. And after he went to bed, I slipped into his room and watched him sleep. And I prayed some more.

My wife and I prioritize prayers before our kids go to bed, and they know the drill. But it is still very special when they come to me asking for prayer, like my son did that night. I will never regret time spent praying for my kids, lifting them before the throne of God and teaching them to do the same thing.

Time on my knees, seeking God’s leading for my children is the most important thing I can do as a parent for my kids. And it’s the most important thing you can do for your kids too.

So spend some time praying for them. Do it now.

Be deliberate, Dad!

Do you prioritize praying for your kids? You can leave your thoughts in the comments by clicking here.