What Dadhood Is All About

Posted by on Sep 15, 2014 in Dadhood | No Comments

Have you ever wondered why we continue to do this thing called dadhood? I know I do sometimes.

If you don’t already know, I have six kids of my own, and another one on the way. Ages range from 15 to a year and a half. And with a house full like that, it gets kinda crazy sometimes.

There are a lot of issues in our home that I really hate having to deal with. My kids can be disrespectful and rude. They whine. They leave the house a mess, and don’t clean up after themselves. They have to be changed. Or made to shower. Or taught to drive. They drink my coffee and tea. They pester me about what they want for an upcoming birthday or Christmas. They beg me to go out for ice cream, my treat of course. They need help with their homework. They need help seeing the need to do their homework. They do their chores halfway at best sometimes.

And the list could go on.

But I realized something this weekend. It’s something I already knew. But I was reminded.

My kids are great kids. And they love being around me.

My daughter and I listened to Pandora and sang along to a lot of songs a few nights ago. My son builds me Lego creations, and colors pictures for me to hang in my office. My youngest daughter loves to sit on my lap and let me read to her. My youngest son loves to hug me. One of my daughters is extremely creative and bold and courageous. Another one is quiet and loves to read. My sons can dream up, design and create just about anything they can think of.

My kids really are great kids!

And that reminds me why I need to be great at this dadhood thing. I need to give them the tools that they need to succeed in life. But more importantly, I need to give them my love. When my kids are certain that I love them, they fly. They really do. Their smiles are wider than ever, and they have an inner joy that cannot be contained.

Dads, we have been entrusted with the greatest of treasures. Our kids are worth more than that overtime paycheck, or that promotion. They are worth more than our own desires and interests and hobbies. They are infinitely valuable.

Make sure you remember that.

I know I needed the reminder.

Be deliberate, Dad!

Do you need a reminder to be a great dad? What do you do to remember this? You can leave your thoughts in the comments by clicking here.