The Total Transformation

Posted by on Sep 1, 2014 in Resources | No Comments

We’ve been having some struggles with a couple of our kids for the past few months. One of my daughters deals with a very strong sense of entitlement. And one of my sons struggles with showing respect and obedience, particularly to his mother.

We’ve tried several different solutions, for both of these kids, with little success. From loss of privileges, to time outs, to added chores, and every other discipline we can think of, nothing seems to work.

As my wife continues to point out to me, though these are serious issues, they aren’t as tough as what some other people have faced or may be facing right now. Our kids are basically good kids, even though they have their share of the normal childhood struggles. But if these issues aren’t resolved, they could lead to more difficult situations in the future.

I’ve heard of The Total Transformation program for a while, and never really considered it, because it’s fairly expensive. It’s also marketed mainstream, and not specifically targeted as a Christian or faith-based program.

But right now, it’s free.

That’s right. It’s free. It’s normally more than $300. There is a catch, though. They actually charge your card three times, $109 each time. But after using the program, you can fill out a fairly intensive feedback survey, 32 pages long, and they will refund the total amount, minus shipping.

That seemed like a pretty good deal to me. So I started doing some research. What I found is that people either love The Total Transformation program, or they hate it. There isn’t really anyone in between, and the sentiment was pretty evenly divided. Knowing that people are more likely to leave a negative review if they hate a product, than a positive one if they love it, that indicates to me that there are more people out there who have had success with this than just the positive half of the reviews. (I know that’s not really a solid indicator of success, but it makes logical sense.)

We checked out the website. We researched the program and the authors, James and Janet Lehman. What we found is that the program seems pretty comprehensive and these two authors are well-credentialed.

In the process, I discovered a partner website, also from Legacy Publishing, called Empowering Parents. I signed up for their email, and examined it for a few weeks to see what it could offer. So far, I like what I see.

The Calm Parent

So we pulled the trigger and ordered the program. In the process, I was offered another program from the publisher, called The Calm Parent, at a reduced rate. So I’m getting two programs for the reduced cost of the second one, plus shipping. We are looking forward to digging into these and seeing if they can offer us some insights into how we can adjust our parenting to help our kids past these roadblocks.

The program website almost conveys a “get-rich-quick” feel, almost offering to have the fool-proof way to improves your child’s behavior. That’s the only part of this that caused me to hesitate to order. It feels like a sales gimmick, a too-good-to-be-true kind of thing. But we went ahead and purchased.

Both the programs I ordered arrived over the weekend. Our initial look at them leaves us feeling hopeful. Whether these can help our specific situation or not, they will at least be able to give us some insights into being better parents, and that is still a win.

Our plan is to begin both of the programs this week. I plan to review and update our progress with the programs as we go through them, so if this is a tool you might be considering, I hope to be able to provide some feedback and insight as we go through it.

In the meantime, if you have some behavioral problems with your kids, this may be an avenue for you to look into. Take some time and examine it thoroughly to see if can help your situation. It just might.

I’m looking forward to seeing how The Total Transformation and The Calm Parent can help me become a better dad.

Have you had any experience with The Total Transformation? What did you think of the program? You can leave your thoughts in the comments by clicking here.