No Regrets – Take Them Out

Posted by on Nov 18, 2013 in Dadhood, No Regrets | No Comments

One of the things I know I will never regret doing with my kids is spending some one on one time with each one of them. Often.

For example, it’s an easy thing to take one of your kids and head to breakfast once in a while, just the two of you.

I do this with each one of my kids, as they are old enough to do this. But I think it’s especially important for those middle kids.

As you may know, my wife and I have six kids. We had three within five years, waited five years, and then had three more in the next four years, the youngest of which is almost a year old. As a result, it sometimes feels like we have two distinct sets of kids in our home.

Take the older three kids for example. My oldest two are girls followed by my first son. The middle child of these three really feels neglected a lot of times because of where she falls in the birth order. Her older sister is our first child, so she believes her older sister gets better treatment and privileges than she does. And her younger brother is my first son, so she things that he gets to do some special things that she doesn’t. And so, she feels left out.

While unwarranted, this is still how she feels. So I make it a point to take her with me on a regular basis to do something. Last week, I needed to run to a nearby town to visit someone in the hospital there. My daughter went with me, waiting in the lobby with a book while I made my visit. We then stopped at a couple of flea markets and had lunch. Just the two of us. That helps her see that she is just as important as the others are.

But I don’t just do this with the middle kids. I make a conscious effort to spend some quality time with each of my kids individually. Yeah, it’s a bit more difficult sometimes with the younger ones than it is with the older ones. But time with “just Dad” make a huge difference in their lives, and shows them my love for them more than my words can ever express.

Make it a priority, Dads, to spend some quality time taking your kids out once in a while. You will never regret the time or the money invested. Guaranteed.

Be deliberate, Dad!

What do you do to connect with your kids individually? What works best for you? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.