#009: Father’s Day [DadCast]

Posted by on Jun 10, 2013 in DadCast | No Comments

Hey Dads! I’m glad you’ve dropped in for Episode 9 of the DadCast!

This weekend is Father’s Day. I don’t know about you, but my family enjoys days like that, where we can relax together as a family and celebrate, well… me!

Don’t get me wrong, we make a big deal out of Mother’s Day as well, and the kids’ birthdays, too. But for us dads, Father’s Day is kind of a big deal.

And Father’s Day is what Episode 9 of The DadCast is all about!

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Episode Notes

DadCast Encouragement

I’ve always just kind of taken Father’s Day for granted. It was always just there. I never stopped to find out just what it was all about, besides fathers, and how it got started.

Where did it come from? How did it start? What’s the background?

These are questions I’ve always wondered about. So I dug around, did a little research, and found out a few things about the day.

So Father’s Day is what I want to talk about in Episode 9 of The DadCast!

Dadhood Resource

How To Be A Great Dad!

Here are some of the sources of the material on Father’s Day shared in this episode of The DadCast:

Show Your Kids Today That You Love Them!

There’s Father’s Day, in a nutshell. But what does this mean for us? How do we apply this fun information to our lives?

Here’s my idea: Dads, this day is about you, according to tradition. But in your own mind, make it about your family. While they honor and celebrate you, you honor and celebrate your wife and kids. Be the best dad that you can be on Father’s Day, so that your family’s celebration can be extra meaningful.

Make their celebratory efforts worth it, dads!

Summary Question

How does your family celebrate Father’s Day? What does your day typically look like? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Be deliberate, Dad!


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If you have an idea for a DadCast you would like to see or a question about how you can become a more deliberate dad, feel free to contact me.

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