#008: Teach Your Kids Responsibility [DadCast]

Posted by on May 13, 2013 in DadCast | No Comments

Hey Dads! I’m glad you’ve dropped in for Episode 8 of the DadCast!

For the past few episodes of the DadCast, I’ve talked about some of the responsibilities we have as dads. And while that’s very true, we aren’t alone in that.

In order to understand and be able to follow through on our responsibilities, we had to learn how to do so, by taking on some responsibilities.

In order to give your kids the necessary tools to become responsible, you need to help them learn how to handle responsibilities as well

And that’s what Episode 8 of The DadCast is all about!

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Episode Notes

DadCast Encouragement

When I was a kid, my dad taught me how to be responsible. I don’t remember just how this came about. I’m fairly certain he never sat me down and said “Son, you need to learn some responsibilities.”

But he taught me that just the same.

And in order to be the best dads we can be, we have to give our own kids responsibilities and teach them how to handle them.

Several years ago, my daughter was asked by a girl what she planned on doing with her life when she grew up. At the time, she was no more than five or six years old. Here’s how she replied: “Hmmm. I’m going to drive a Volkswagen, and pay bills and do responsibilities.”

While that’s pretty cute and humorous, she was more right than she knew, except about the Volkswagen part…

Part of being successful in life is to be responsible. And dads, we’ve been given the responsibility to teach responsibility to our children.

And that’s what I want to talk about in Episode 8 of The DadCast!

Dadhood Resource

How To Be A Great Dad!

14 Ways to teach responsibility to your kids

  • Assign accountability
  • Model it yourself
  • Read stories that teach responsibility
  • Give your kids chores to do
  • Use a chore chart
  • Don’t wait on your child
  • Get a pet
  • Give your children an allowance
  • Make sure the responsibilities you give your child are age appropriate
  • Help your child understand the point
  • Don’t re-do the work
  • Be patient
  • Expect mistakes
  • Be consistent

Responsibility develops key traits that will be needed throughout life

(Source: Some of the information in this section was inspired by this article at Beliefnet)

  • Teaching responsibility teaches your kids to be dependable and trustworthy
  • Teaching responsibility teaches your kids to care for themselves
  • Teaching responsibility reinforces their role in the family
  • Teaching responsibility helps your kids be more organized
  • Teaching responsibility also teaches patience
  • Teaching responsibility helps them see the world in increasing measures
  • Teaching responsibility helps them cope with irresponsible behavior
  • Teaching responsibility prepares our kids for independence
  • Teaching responsibility helps our kids make the world a better place
  • Teaching responsibility is an important part of maturity

Show Your Kids Today That You Love Them!

How do we do this?

First, watch your kids. See what areas they may be ready to step into when it comes to responsibility. Watch how they respond to smaller items, and see if they may be ready to take on a little more.

Second, talk with your kids. For older kids, explain why you’re giving them these responsibilities, and listen to their remarks. What they say may be important, but how they say it, or what they leave unsaid may be just as important, if not more so.

The point is this: Dads, you need to teach your kids how to think, act, and behave responsibly. And you need to start now, so that your kids will have the tools they need to be successful in life as they grow and mature.

Start small. Increase as your kids are able to accept more, and model responsibility in your own life.

Summary Question

What do you do to teach your kids responsibility? How do you go about it? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Be deliberate, Dad!


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 Your Feedback

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