#002: Take A Day Off With Your Family [DadCast]

Posted by on Feb 17, 2013 in DadCast | No Comments

Hey Dads!

Glad you’re here for Episode 2 of The DadCast! I have something special planned for you today.

In this episode, I want to talk about taking a day off to spend with your family occasionally. This is crucial for your family, for your wife, and even for you. And joining me for this episode of the DadCast, my brother Rick is visiting from the midwest. He and his family, along with our mom, are here in Florida visiting for a week and a half.

What Rick is doing with his family is essential. He’s taking time to spend with them, away from the normal routine, away from the mundane. Whether you do that for an extended vacation time or simply take a day off now and then to do something special with your family, you need to make this happen, dads!

And that’s the focus of episode 2 of The DadCast!

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Episode Notes

DadCast Encouragement

Spending time with your kids is an essential element of being a Deliberate Dad. Your kids need some quality time, and not just the leftovers after a busy work day or even a busy week. Intentionally taking some time off occasionally to spend with your family goes a long way to showing your kids that you love them and want the best for them.

The currency that your kids know is time. Words don’t mean as much, nor does buying them stuff. Your kids know you love them when you spend time with them.

Dadhood Resource

How To Be A Great Dad!

One of the best ways to communicate your love to your kids is by spending time with them. Taking a day off just to spend with your family will create a lot of memories, and impress your love for your family upon your wife and kids. Nothing communicates your love for you kids better than time well spent with them.

Here are a few links that I refer to in this episode of the DadCast:

Show Your Kids Today That You Love Them!

Your kids will see that you love them when you choose to take time off of work to spend with the family. Here are a few ideas to get you going:

  • Take the day off and go to the beach or a lake.
  • Take a night off and go camping nearby.
  • Go fishing.
  • Take a hike or a bike ride.
  • Go to a park for the day.
  • Go geocaching.
  • Watch a few movies together.
  • Play some card games or board games.
  • Put together a puzzle.
  • Try out some science experiments.
  • Serve together.
  • Play video games.

  • More….

The list is endless, and is only limited by your creativity and the interests you and your kids have. Talk with them about what they want to do. and then, plan a day to go do it. You’ll be glad you did!

Summary Question

When was the last time you took a day off to spend with the family? If it has been a while, when can you arrange to take one in the near future? What did you do, or will you plan to do? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Be deliberate, Dad!

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Your Feedback

If you have an idea for a DadCast you would like to see or a question about how you can become a more deliberate dad, feel free to contact me.

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