What Makes A Great Dad? Treasure Your Kids

Posted by on Aug 12, 2013 in Great Dad | No Comments

This school year brings with it a new phase of life for my family. We’ve come to the decision that our oldest daughter will benefit from attending public school instead of being home schooled.

This has been a tough decision for us to make. We simply love having our kids around us all the time.

Often, I hear parents make statements like this: “I just need a break from my kids.” Or, “I just want some time away.” Frankly, I cannot comprehend the idea behind statements like that.

For my wife and I, we savor every moment of our kids’ lives, from the testing of our boundaries to the proudest moments we can think of. My oldest daughter starts high school this year. And I know the day will come, all too soon, when she will graduate and go off to college. She’s already planning those days.

In just a few short days, my daughter’s world will change. She will move from a life centered around our home to a life that has many more facets outside our home than ever before.

Honestly, I don’t want that change. I don’t want to see her go off to school.

Not because of the school. It’s a great school, with lots of excellent teachers. Not because I don’t want her to learn. I do. And her mother and I have taught her a lot over the past several years. She’s gained a fine education from her mother’s efforts, and learned many other things from me, too.

No, I don’t want things to change because I don’t want to give her up. Looking back over her life, I remember bringing her home from the hospital. Shortly after she was born, I took our youth group to Six Flags for a day of fun. While there, I bought my daughter a small stuffed plush Bugs Bunny. When I got home, I placed it in her cradle while she slept. She still has it.

I remember when she was two, and she sang Jesus Loves Me, and really hammed it up, because we had the video camera out.

I held her as she cried when she got her ears pierced.

She cried even harder when she lost her Uncle Mike and Grandpa Don and Grandma Susan.

We’ve enjoyed dozens of Daddy-Daughter dates together. Simple ones, like a shake from Sonic. Elaborate ones, like the French restaurant I took her to in order to give her a diamond purity ring when she turned fourteen. I had roast duck. She enjoyed a very fancy pasta dish. We dressed up, and I wore a tie, and gave her roses.

I treasure all these memories with my daughter, and many, many more. And I look forward to creating new memories as we continue on through life.

I treasure every moment I have with her, with my other other kids. I drink in the possibilities, and breath out the opportunities that come each day. I regret the ones I’ve missed, but refuse to live there. I look forward to the next chance, and am determined that I won’t miss it, or the next, or the next…

I’m only entrusted with my kids for a short, short time.

This is the chance I get to treasure them, every conversation, every activity, every movie, every meal, every devotion, every peek as they sleep.

Too soon, those opportunities will be gone.

Take them while you can.

Treasure every moment with your kids.

Be deliberate, Dad!

What is one of the best memories you have with one or more of your kids? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.