Summertime Family Fun

Posted by on Jul 24, 2017 in Dadhood | No Comments

Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned in a Next Step post that you need to do something fun with your family this summer. We decided to go to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum, which is in Mansfield, Missouri, just a few miles from where we live.

We did that over the weekend, and we had a great time! And I’m glad we did so; my oldest daughter leaves for college in just a few weeks, and this was a great opportunity for our whole family to spend some time together before that happens.

If you aren’t familiar with Laura Ingalls Wilder, she is the author of the Little House On The Prairie books, which sparked a TV sensation that is still loved by many, many people. While the TV show is based on the Walnut Grove, Minnesota, location, the books were written at this home in Missouri, where she lived for most of her life.

Her house and most of the furniture and belongings are on display for you to see, and a second house on the property, a newer one, is included in the tour. The museum is incredibly insightful, and full of great examples of her history, and the history of pioneers that lived and worked during that era.

While we were there, we had a family picnic near the newer house (which was built in 1928), and enjoyed the shade of some very old oak and walnut trees.

I highly encourage you to check out the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum. If you can make it to this area, let us know. We would love to connect with you and say hi! If you are from this area, take the time to go check it out as well. It’s well worth the time.

Check out a couple more pics below!

Be deliberate, Dad!

Have you ever been to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum? If so, what did you enjoy most? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum

Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum