Some Changes Are Coming

Posted by on Nov 13, 2017 in Dadhood | No Comments


You may know that I maintain several different sites and blogs, and have for some time. It has been sort of a hobby for me over the years, and an excellent outlet for my writing. And most of those other websites have sprung out of this one for the most part.

However, I have been struggling with some things that God has been addressing in my life, and one of those areas has been the idea of rest, and what it means to abide in him. I have come to the conclusion that there are several areas of my life where I display the characteristics of a workaholic, and something has to give if I am to fully obey and follow God’s leading in my life.

In light of this, I have decided to begin to shut down some of those other websites, and focus my attention more specifically on my main web presence, over at I will be restructuring my writing habits, and redefining what I want to do in this area of my life. In some ways, I will be adding back to what I branched off to start different website projects, as is the case with my role as a father and husband. As a result, Deliberate Men (formerly Deliberate Dads) will be reincorporated as a topic that will be addressed there. And many of the posts that have appeared here will be transferred there in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for them.

In other cases, I will simply shut down the blog and save those posts as drafts for some day in the future, which may or may not ever come. Who knows? That’s what will happen with the site I built to go along with my studies for a Master’s degree. That site never really took off, partly due to the fact that I didn’t really publicize it, but also partly because I have placed the pursuit of a degree on hold as well for the immediate future.

All in all, I hope to clarify my focus, reduce my busyness, and more closely follow God’s leading as he nudges me closer towards who and what he wants me to be. I hope you’ll stay with me through the process.

Immediately, for the next couple of weeks, things will be pretty quiet on all of my websites, because before I make these changes permanent, I will be covering them in prayer for a few more days, just in order to be sure this is what I need to do. I’m pretty certain already, but I want to make sure I’m not simply pursuing busyness in just a different fashion. Your prayers would be appreciated during this time.

Shortly after Thanksgiving, I plan on incorporating a writing schedule that will be comprehensive of all my topics and interests at Things will be kind of quiet until then, but please head over there and check things out. Subscribe for email notifications or add us to your RSS feed.

Thanks for being with me on this wild ride. I’m excited about what God is doing in my life, and I can’t wait to share it with you in more detail!