One Day Soon… It Will Be Me

Posted by on Jun 1, 2015 in Dadhood | No Comments

I watched the daughter of a good friend get married this weekend.

I watched him closely. His daughter is his oldest child, and she married a godly young man. But my friend had a tough time.

I watched him closely because he is a good friend.

I watched him closely because he is a good father.

I watched him closely because my oldest daughters are potentially just a few short years away from this very same step.

I watched him closely because I wanted to see how he handled this big day, and the change in life that comes as a result. Because I’m going to need to know one day soon.

My oldest daughters are 16 and 13 (almost), but I know it won’t be long before I cry myself as I hand them off to their husbands.

It seems just like a few days ago that I was holding each of them in my arms in the hospital rooms where they were born. And now, in the blink of an eye, they are teens. One daughter now has a drivers license and a part time job. The other is developing into a wonderful actress in a local drama organization. They are growing up way too fast for my liking.

But they are. And one day soon, I will have to place the hands of my daughter into the hands of an untested and untried young man, who will lead her forward into life.

That will be a tough day for me, just as it was this weekend for my friend.

In the meantime, I know of a few things that I can do to prepare both my daughters (and the rest of my children as well), and myself for that big day.

First, I can model the kind of man I want my daughters to choose. I want them to know that I love them, and love them deeply. I want to show them that I am a man who seeks God’s heart above all things, and will protect their hearts at all costs, as well as that of their mother. I want my daughters to run to men that display godly attributes in their lives, and will honor her well. The best way that I can influence my daughters to choose such men is to be one myself.

And second, I can pray for these young men who will one day become my sons-in-law. I can pray for them now, asking God to develop their hearts and grow them spiritually to be the kind of men that my girls need them to be. I can do this for all of my kids.

I know the day is coming when I will be the one giving away my daughter. And though it may be hard for me, I want it to be the best it can be. For my daughters’ sake.

Be deliberate, Dad!

Have you watched your child get married? How well did you handle this major event? You can leave your thoughts in the comments by clicking here.