No Regrets – Seeing God’s Grace

Posted by on Mar 9, 2015 in No Regrets | 2 Comments

At this point in the life of my family, I have witnessed, and been a part of, the decisions of three of my kids to accept Jesus.

It has been a blessing to watch my kids grow in their faith, and to come to the point where they see their own need for Jesus, for salvation, and to make that decision. I’ve had the privilege of baptizing all three of them into Christ, and I look forward to the opportunity to do the same for my other kids.

But as my kids grow in their faith, it has been pretty humbling for me. And it has been very joyful.

As a dad, it’s very easy for me to point out where they need to grow. It has been harder for me to learn to point to the fruit of their growth. It is easy to show them where to improve, not so easy to commend them for the good.

I’ve been learning how to do that.

As they grow, I grow. And as I see their spiritual growth, I try my best to point it out, and let them know that I am pleased, and more importantly, Christ is pleased. My job is to continue to point them to the One who causes that growth.

Like I said, it is a joy.

But it is also humbling.

I dropped my daughter off at the school last Saturday for a trip with one of the school’s organizations. They traveled to a nearby town for a conference for the weekend. As I drove her to the school, I asked her the typical questions: Did you get your toothbrush? Have enough money? You know, those kinds of questions.

She answered them all, and then opened her bag to put something in. On top of her clothes were her Bible and devotional book. I made a comment, something like, “Oh, I’m glad you are bringing that.”

Her reply stunned me. She told me that her friends all know that she reads the Bible daily, and that they will be watching to see if she really does so, especially on a busy trip like this one.

I really didn’t know what to say. Through my choked up voice, I tried to let her know that such an attitude was very pleasing to God, and that the example she was setting for her friends could speak far more than her words ever would.

Seeing the spiritual maturity in that girl absolutely floored me. And knowing that God is causing some amazing growth in her life, I can’t wait to see how his grace continues to display itself.

She hadn’t really thought about it. She just did it. And I will never regret pointing out examples of God’s grace in her life, or the lives of the rest of my family.

Be deliberate, Dad!

When do you most clearly see God’s grace in the lives of your children? You can leave your thoughts in the comments by clicking here.


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