Make The Most Of Every Opportunity

Posted by on Jan 23, 2014 in Dadhood | No Comments

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. You can pay attention to it, or you can ignore it, but one way or another, it’s going to happen.

I got a curve ball thrown my way this week. My grandfather received the news that he has cancer. That was a tough thing to take, especially since cancer has claimed both my brother and my father already.

It’s a tough thing to take that kind of news at any time. But the important thing is what with you do with it.

There isn’t anything I can do to change the situation. But I can change my responses and reactions.

Arriving home that evening, I was faced with a choice. I can dwell on the circumstances and allow negativity and despair reign in my attitude. Or I can take advantage of the opportunity to show my love to my family.

Even though this is a painful moment for my family, we are choosing… I am choosing… to look upward instead of anywhere else.

The next days, weeks and months will give my plenty of opportunities to show my kids how much I value them. And it will allow us to show my grandfather and grandmother how much we value them, too.

James 4:14, in the New Testament, states:

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

The simple truth is that none of us is guaranteed tomorrow. All we know that we have is right now.

Paul echoes that thought in Ephesians 5:15-16, when he says:

Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.

And again, in Colossians 4:5:

Conduct yourselves with wisdom…, making the most of the opportunity.

This weekend, we are going to visit my grandparents.

And this week, today even, I will make sure to make the most of each and every opportunity to spend time with my kids, and with my wife, and with those people closest to me. Because we don’t know what tomorrow holds in store.

But we do know the One who holds tomorrow.

Dads, I don’t know what your relationship is like with your kids. I don’t know if they are young and at home, or if they’ve already grown up and left the house. I don’t know if you have an easy and strong relationship with your kids or if it’s strained and tense.

All I know is this. there are things you need to say. Maybe you’ve already said them, but they could bear repeating again and again.

Go tell your kids you love them.

Go tell your kids how much you enjoy them.

Go tell your kids how much they mean to you.

Go tell your kids… Before you miss that opportunity.

Be deliberate, Dad!

How are you doing at being intentional with your kids? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.