Take The Next Step! – 03.31.2017

Posted by on Mar 31, 2017 in Manhood | No Comments

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Taking the next step can be difficult. We tend to get into a rut so easily, and we miss the opportunity. Taking The Next Step is a weekly reminder to take action. Be deliberate about your manhood, and you relationships with your wife and kids. What do you need to do to become more of the man, the husband, the father that you were created to be?

Here is this week’s edition of Take The Next Step!

Take The Next Step!

Do you have a cell phone? Do you have a smart phone? I’m willing to bet you do. It’s a fairly basic “necessity” in modern culture, especially in the US.

Here’s the next question: How much are you on it? How much time does it drain from your daily interactions with people, especially your family?

I have read that 44% of cell phone owners sleep with their phone next to their bed because they wanted to make sure they didn’t miss any calls, text messages, or other updates during the night.

That’s pretty stunning, but I know of a lot of people who actually even sleep with it in their bed, and not just beside it. That’s even more stunning.

So here’s my advice to you this weekend: Put your phone down, and make sure it’s face down, whenever your wife or kids are speaking to you. This communicates to them that you are listening to them, and that what they are saying is important.

Do it, Dads!

From Around The Web

6 Facts About Americans And Their Smart Phones – It seems like almost everyone has one, and they are on it all the time. Here are some facts from the Pew Research Center.

10 Facts About Mobile Phones – Here are a few facts about the mobile phone industry itself that you may not be aware of. Interesting stuff.

Nomophobia – “This is a proposed name for the phobia of being out of cellular phone contact. It is, however, arguable that the word ‘phobia’ is misused and that in the majority of cases it is another form of anxiety disorder.”

Parting Quote

With the advent of cell phones, especially with the very small microphone that is attached to the cell phone itself, it’s getting harder and harder I find, to differentiate between schizophrenics and people talking on a cell phone. – Bob Newhart

Be Deliberate, Men!