Take The Next Step! – 03.10.2017

Posted by on Mar 10, 2017 in Manhood | No Comments

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Taking the next step can be difficult. We tend to get into a rut so easily, and we miss the opportunity. Taking The Next Step is a weekly reminder to take action. Be deliberate about your manhood, and you relationships with your wife and kids. What do you need to do to become more of the man, the husband, the father that you were created to be?

Here is this week’s edition of Take The Next Step!

Take The Next Step!

I have talked to several men recently who seem to be very discouraged. It may be because of a family situation they are facing, or financial stress, or job difficulties. Whatever the case may be, there are a lot of guys out there that feel like they are drowning, and don’t know what to do about it.

I think there are three things we can do for situations like this. First of all, pray for them. Right now, the first man you think of, pray for him. Pray for his role as a man, as a husband, and as a father.

The second thing we can do is encourage one another. If you are able, take that guy out for a Coke, or buy him lunch. Maybe all it will take is a message on Facebook or an email. Somehow, find a way to let him know you are there if he needs some support.

Third, if you are the guy in that situation, do not be afraid to seek out some help and encouragement. Call up another man and ask if you can talk. If parenting is a struggle, find another dad. If it’s your marriage, confide in a friend you can trust. Seek help.

Be intentional. Help one another. And in so doing, you’ll grow as well.

From Around The Web

The Best Ways To Fund Your Relationship Bank Account – How do you make sure your relationships are as strong as they can be? This applies to any relationship, but especially that with your wife and kids. The Art Of Manliness has some great pointers to help.

5 Tips To Change Your Day From Chaotic To Constructive – Sometimes it seems like life is pure chaos, especially if you have small children in your home. Here are a few steps to help you manage the chaos, at least as much as you can.

The Downy Woodpecker – Ever wonder why woodpeckers beat their heads on trees so much? Here is the real reason, despite what you may have heard.

Parting Quote

Fall seven times, stand up eight. – Japanese Proverb

Be Deliberate, Men!