Have you seen the movie Courageous?
In that movie, there is a scene, where the guy is sitting in a chair watching TV, and his family says goodnight. He doesn’t respond.
That’s a dad failure right there.
Your kids are a precious gift fro God. Never allow yourself to miss an opportunity to show them that you love them.
One of the habits I’ve cultivated since our kids were born is the habit of telling my kids goodnight each and every night. That includes a kiss and a hug, a prayer for their rest and for the next day, and telling them that I love them.
Honestly, after a long day, there are times when I just want to sit there, or go to bed myself. But that moment when the kids are headed to bed is one of the most tender moments a dad can have with his children.
These are the times when I can have a few moments of incredible conversation with my kids about their day, about the future, about our lives.
I know that I will never regret taking the time to kiss my kids goodnight every single night.
Be deliberate, Dad!
What does your bedtime routine with your kids look like? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.