Integrity – Share everything With Your Wife

Posted by on Apr 6, 2015 in Integrity | No Comments

One of the most disturbing trends I see in marriages, and in men’s lives in general could be called the Vegas Principle. You know what I’m talking about. The idea that “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”

I believe that this is one of the most damaging aspects that most marriages face today. We keep too many secrets from those who know us the best, who love us the most, and who can be our biggest help and support.

Are you guilty of this? I know I have been. And it created a barrier between my wife and I that prevented the closeness and intimacy that we were created to experience.

Think about these examples:

Did you go on a business trip? Or to a conference? Tell your wife what happened.

Need to blow some money? Don’t hide it from your wife. Ask for her input.

Caught up in some secret sin that you have tried to hide from everyone? Confess to your wife. It might be hard initially, but she will be your partner to help overcome such things, with the power of Christ.

This summer, I am attending a conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. I know that I will be on the phone with my wife frequently, filling her in on the details of my week away. She will have a lot of questions that I will answer clearly.

Or consider the family finances. If we have have a purchase to make, I will not make it without her knowledge and input. I own nothing that she doesn’t know about. I tried that one time, buying something for myself that was fairly expensive. The conversation that occurred afterwards was anything but comfortable.

Men, our wives are our closest confidant, the one who knows us the most intimately, and the one who loves us more than any other. And the reverse is true as well. Don’t hide things from her; be be up front and share everything with her.

As a minister, there are some things that people share with me that I cannot share with my wife, but that is different. If it concerns me, or her, or our family, she knows. It’s that simple.

As men of integrity, our biggest help comes from the life partner that God has given to us… Our wives.

Rely on her strength, along with your own, to become the man that God has created you to be. And of course, both of you rely on Christ’s strength to undergird you and your relationship.

Be deliberate, Dad!

Let’s be honest. Do you hide things from your wife? What can you do to stop such behavior right away? You can leave your thoughts in the comments by clicking here.