Being Thankful In The Midst Of Difficulty

Posted by on Nov 3, 2014 in Dadhood | 2 Comments

The past couple of weeks has been pretty quiet around here, and I apologize for that. Last Sunday morning, my wife fell and suffered a broken ankle. You may know that she is pregnant, and that has been a concern in this situation. I am relieved to say that the baby is fine (it’s a girl, by the way), but her ankle is not so good.

The orthopedic doctor has instructed her to stay off of it for the next month. That has definitely changed our daily routines. As a result, the past few days have been less focused on writing and more on shuttling her to the doctor, and the kids to various activities. We are very thankful for those friends and family members who have helped us, and continue to do so. You are loved!

Needless to say, my writing schedule has taken a back seat to these family needs this week. I hope to resume a more normal schedule in the next few days. It will be nice to resume a normal routine as much as possible until Heather gets back on her feet.

Even in the midst of a minor crisis, there is much to be thankful for. The baby is fine. The injury could have been worse, or could have happened to one of the kids. The outpouring of love and support from friends and family has been tremendous, and our church family has been right there every moment we’ve needed someone.

The lesson learned for me is to be thankful in all circumstances, no matter how painful or stressful they may be. And that is a lesson I can pass on to my kids by how I react, and by my attitude of gratitude.

A few nights ago, I was visiting with one of the ladies from our church, and she stated that she was so humbled by my wife’s attitude. She told me that, even with a broken ankle, Heather’s attitude continues to be selfless. Our friend was humbled, but so was I. My tendency is to focus on myself, my needs, my crisis, especially in a situation like this. But my wife has resisted that. She keeps her priorities in order.

I am so thankful to have someone like that in my life to continually remind me of what is most important. And even though this changes things, at least for a while, around our home, the reminder is appreciated.

Hopefully, things will balance themselves soon. But in the meantime, we are taking the opportunity to refocus our thankfulness and appreciation towards God and his continual presence in our lives.

And until things resume some sort of semblance of normalcy in our lives, we thank you for your patience and understanding.

Be deliberate, Dad!

How has God grabbed your attention and reminded you to be thankful, even in the midst of difficult circumstances? You can leave your thoughts in the comments by clicking here.


  • That was a great message! To be thankful in the midst of painful struggles, no matter that the struggles be small or large to be grateful for what God has given you and to live that way is what He intends for us. Thank you for the uplifting message.

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