Be Accountable

Posted by on Oct 6, 2014 in Dadhood | No Comments


It’s a tough thing, isn’t it?

But so necessary, especially for us as dads.

One of the biggest struggles men face is purity. From relationships to advertising to what we see online, we are bombarded by the temptation to slip in this area.

We must be accountable. And a part of that accountability needs to be in regards to our kids.

While my kids are not my tried and true accountability partners, they do hold a certain level of accountability for me as their dad.

For example, in our home, all computer activity happens in the living areas of the house. That includes my wife and I. My kids can see what I’m doing at any given point. Also, my kids have considerable access to my phone and iPad. They can see what websites I’ve visited, what pictures I have.

I do this on purpose because I want my kids to realize just how important it is to live in accountability.

A few years ago, one of the girls in my youth ministry, a teenager, had her dad’s phone. As she was browsing around on it, she discovered a stash of pornography, and some very disturbing images. Her image of her father was shattered. He never intended for her to find those images, but that’s not the point. A little accountability in his life, and those images wouldn’t have even been there. He would have been strong enough to avoid that temptation.

Needless to say, her relationship with her father suffered greatly. It’s still not completely restored, and may never be.

I don’t want that to happen with my own kids. So I’ve made a decisions to be accountable to various people in my life, my kids and wife included, so that I have every chance to be the man that I want to be, the husband my wife needs me to be, and the father that God called me to be.

Let’s face it. Accountability is hard. Being accountable is uncomfortable. And it means opening up parts of your life to others that you may not want exposed. But accountability is absolutely necessary if we are to be the men and dads that God designed us to be.

Be accountable.

Be deliberate, Dad!

Are you accountable on some level to your kids? What do you do to ensure that you live a life of integrity around your family? You can leave your thoughts in the comments by clicking here.